Dear everyone suffering from concussion, or trying to help someone who has a concussion:
Here is a podcast series on concussion.
CONCUSSION: Stealing your mind
Episode 1 is about concussion–what is it
Audio PlayerConcussion is also called mild traumatic brain injury or mTBI. It is a brain injury. The symptoms are extremely variable.
Episode 2 is about diagnosis of concussion.
I interviewed Dr. Karen Barlow from the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Audio PlayerFor most people, diagnosis is done with a low bar—by this I mean few things are needed for you as a coach or parent to consider concussion as being likely. I recommend you download and read a great resource—the statement on concussion in sport (or the SCAT3).
Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport—the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Zurich, November 2012 Paul McCrory, MBBS, PhD, Willem Meeuwisse, MD, PhD, Mark Aubry, MD, Bob Cantu, MD, Jiri Dvorak, MD, Ruben J. Echemendia, PhD, Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, Karen Johnston, MD, PhD, Jeffrey S. Kutcher, MD, Martin Raftery, MBBS, Allen Sills, MD, and Coauthors: Brian W. Benson, MD, PhD, Gavin A. Davis, MBBS, Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC, Stanley A. Herring, MD, Grant Iverson, PhD, Barry D. Jordan, MD, MPH, James Kissick MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med, Michael McCrea, PhD, ABPP, Andrew S McIntosh, MBiomedE, PhD, David L. Maddocks, LLB, PhD, Michael Makdissi, MBBS, PhD, Laura Purcell, MD, FRCPC, Margot Putukian, MD, Michael Turner MBBS, Kathryn Schneider, PT, PhD, Charles H. Tator, MD, PHD
Episode 3 is about concussion management. In this Episode I interviewed Dr. Karen Barlow from the Alberta Children’s Hospital (and Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute) and Dr. Chantel Debert from the Foothills hospital (and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute).
Audio PlayerI hope this series gives you some good ideas.
I do research into brain—I study new imaging methods and I use those imaging methods to unlock secrets about brain injury and disease. We are working on a large project using light to image brain—a method that can monitor brain activity (functional near-infrared spectroscopy or fNIRS) while sittng comfortably in a chair (or on a bike, a sports facility or medical clinic).
One of my main projects right now involves brain injury and concussion.
@imaginer (both the same twitter accounts)